Watershed maps

Watershed maps automatically calculate and display drainage basins and streams from your grid file.

Create colorful watershed maps to display regions draining into a stream, stream system or body of water. Display the catchment basins, streams, or both. Export the basins and streams to any supported file format, including SHP and DXF files, for use in other software! Surfer uses the accurate eight-direction pour point algorithm to calculate the flow direction at each grid node.


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Detail every aspect of your map from creating watershed boundaries to adding city streets and
surrounding elevations, like the above map of Seward, Alaska.


Watershed Map Features

  • Fill the depressions, areas of internal drainage
  • Save the filled grid to a new grid file
  • Show streams
  • Specify the threshold number of upstream cells flowing into a grid cell that are required to create a stream line
  • Specify line properties for the streams
  • Specify fill colors for the catchment basins
  • Specify the pour point sources as stream intersections, none, or load them from a file
  • Adjust the layer opacity

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Display watershed catchment basins and streams to determine which areas
are draining into which streams.

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Overlay watershed maps on top of aerial photos for a complete picture!
Geobasisdaten © Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung 2012,