SAM-1: Measure pH, ORP, EC & T with your phone

Written by Jakab András on .

The SAM-1â„¢ Smart Aqua Meter from turns your smartphone or tablet into a powerful and convenient pH, ORP or conductivity and temperature meter. Simply connect the SAM-1â„¢ and smart sensor into the audio jack of your smartphone or tablet and you are ready to take accurate readings. The sensor type and calibration data is auto-recognized. Quickly and easily record reading details such as time, date, and GPS coordinates with location names and comments. Measure samples in the lab, field or plant and share your readings instantly via e-mail. You may select one or more readings for export to spreadsheets for analysis or record retention. Additional sensor types will be supported in the future with seamless software updates.

Particle tracking for MODFLOW-USG

Written by Jakab András on .

The new particle tracking program mod-PATH3DU, developed by S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, provides a vital component for interpretation and analysis of MODFLOW-USG groundwater models. This program will be integrated into Visual MODFLOW Flex in a future release. The following images are some of examples of pathline analysis using mod-PATH3DU and UnStructured Grid models (Voronoi and Quad-Based grids) generated by Visual MODFLOW Flex.


Backward tracking pathlines around two pumping wells, in a 2D steady-state model using Voronoi Grids.